Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Salad and such.

[ninety two]
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen,
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.
-Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind By William Shakespeare.
Took this on my way to take a picture of Bekah's deer she got this morning!! Congratulations Bekah!

What I'm listening to. No matter what kind of music you like, I'm almost positive you'll like this. It's really cool. This choir just decided to sing Handel's Messiah in a food court at a mall!
What I'm eating: a yummy, delicious, fresh, crisp, flavorful green salad, and a glass of Arizona green tea. Best lunch EVER. I'm feeling very motivated today, so after I'm done eating I'll probably go do something radical like workout. (whew.. that onion just went to my nose.)
This morning my mom was putting chicken breast in the oven, and she said, "Ok, Shaina, quick cooking lesson. Why am I putting tin foil over the chicken?" I said, "To keep it from drying out..?" Mom gave a derisive "HA!" which was followed by, "Hey, you're right!" =)

Take a look at these ridiculously cool (or maybe just ridiculous) dresses! I like the lotus one: I bet the Lotus Eaters would like it!I love the person that made these =)


  1. Baha! I laughed a lot when I read this.

  2. Umm.. good, I guess? What was funny, may I ask?

  3. I watched that Messiah video and loved it! We are actually going to do something similar: sing Angels We Have Heard on High in a local food court next Saturday.

  4. Oh, cool! Are you going to video it? I would love to see it :)
