Friday, January 28, 2011

[it's almost summer time... psych!]

Levi gazing longingly at Papa John's cookie.

Gawwwgeous sister

Micah the monkey =)

Sylvia being Sylvia. [one thirty four] 1.28.11

Mommy and her Sami
[one thirty three] made some yummy cookies =) 1.27.11

We went to the park today as a result of the absolutely beautiful weather today! It reminds me of the poem by C.S. Lewis in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: 
"Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, 
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again."
Unfortunately I know that winter is not gone forever. In fact, I think it's coming back tonight. =( *raises fist* Curse you winter!!! ;) Anyway, off my winter complain, back to the park. We went to the park. We played and I mostly got cold because I thought it was warmer than it was. Sam and I went to the consignment shop and tried on the most *beautiful* prom dress there. It was like ruby or wine red, and it had those little pinchy gathers in the skirt... it was divine. 
We went to Pizza Hut for dinner.. and had some yummy pizza and got some icecream on the way home. 

Waaaa! I almost forgot! My cute stories from the siblings =) Ok, so last night Weider and Sam, John, and I were on the sofa with Levi's baby before bed. We were teaching him all kinds of useful things like how to burp the baby and what sound effects go with it, and then we asked him what the baby's name was. He ignored us, so I figured he didn't know what we meant, and told him, "Your name is Levi, Sami's name is Sami, John's name is John, and my name is Shaina. What's the baby's name?" and he said, "Baby name Shaina." and then fondled the baby and cooed, "Shaaainaaaa..." so sweetly =) It was adorable! Then this morning I was making bacon, and Micah wanted to put the pieces in. I told him no, because "the grease is really hot and sometimes it pops out onto you." He was like, "That's my favorite part!" hahaha smarty pants. And when we were at Pizza Hut tonight we were thinking about what to order, and Josiah said, "Let's get the Pepperoni's Lover!" hahaha... He also wanted to order beer. Wow. 
wishing it was warm again,


  1. Your last picture makes my mouth water. Yummm!


  2. My grandpa liked them so much that he ordered me to make more soon! ;) I made them with whole wheat which is probably why he liked them so much. I'll probably compromise this time and go half and half.

  3. I have never made cookies with whole wheat before. I might have to try that someday.

