Friday, March 9, 2012


 "We could talk and laugh together and exchange small acts of kindness. We could join in the pleasure that books can give. We could be grave or gay together. If we sometimes disagreed, it was without spite, as a man might differ with himself, and the rare occasions of dispute were the very spice to season our usual accord. Each of us had something to learn from the others and something to teach in return..... That is what we cherish in friendship, and we cherish it so dearly that in conscience we feel guilty if we do not return love for love, asking no more of our friends than these expressions of goodwill."
-Augustine, Confessions

This is such a beautiful description of friendship.


  1. That is an awesome quote, Shzainy!! Its perfect for us :)

    ~Bre <3

    I miss you!

    1. Haha, oh Bre I love you :) I know, I thought of us when I read it :D
