Friday, March 16, 2012

[lots of photos from this week....]

My gummy bear had a tail! Isn't it adorable, Bre? :D

Levi was riding on the front of Micah's bike the other day and decided to stick his toes in the spokes of the front wheel while they were speeding along...needless to say, that didn't go over so well. Actually... it did go over! The bike flipped over on the front and Levi got scraped up pretty badly. Micah got some scrapes on his side, but thankfully they were both only temporarily damaged :) Haha, yes, I took this right after we all ate lasagna.

I started painting mud on my face and they joined in, haha. I painted the stuff on my cheeks, and Josh's cross, Sam painted a Christian fish on his other cheek, and he gave me... a unibrow, haha. You can kinda see it. Loooovely ;) Actually, I was the one that suggested it, haha. And of course Sami got a smiley face!! on...her smiley face. Lol.


Haha, I told John to make a face... lol.

Later that afternoon we went shed hunting...

and we found a well!! It was super deep, and cool :D

"Boy, overexposed."

Haha, yes we took a lot of splashing pictures that day.

"oh no you didn't!" Loools.

Papa John's pear clones are blooming beautifully!! Well, this one is anyway.

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