Tuesday, May 17, 2011

[hair and grass]

 When Micah was small, he was deathly frightened of blades of grass and strands of hair. He didn't realize that they were what made up a lawn or a head of hair, and as he didn't know what they were, he was terribly scared of them. Eventually, of course, he got over his fear and doesn't like us to talk about it now, b/c he finds it embarrassing. Anyway, I was just thinking about that and it struck me that when we get to Heaven, our present fears and struggles will probably seem just as silly as being afraid of a blade of grass. It seemed like He was saying to me, "Don't look at the blade; look at the lawn. It is all part of My plan."

Brome grass! I love this stuff. I can't wait til it's tall enough for me to play
hide and seek with my friends :)

The garden smells sooo sweet because of these babies.

This reminds me of those midevil jester's collars. Hehe..

[two forty one]

This morning at breakfast we were watching the buzzards in the field behind our house, chasing each other away and really going after each other. Dad's comment? "They're not Christian buzzards. If they were, they would be treating each other with buzzardly love."  *cough* hehe.

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