Saturday, April 16, 2011

[two ten]

[two ten]
Today I gardened! It was lots of fun :) I like to garden. Made a bed around our redbud tree for flowers. And planted some bulbs in it. Plus Aunt Cindy and Uncle David are picking up Breanna's graduation present, a new flash drive (I filled my 16 gig up with photos) and a new battery for the remote that Rachael gave me.. I'm very excited for all.. ok, two of those things :) A new flash drive isn't something to be too excited about, right? Scratch that. I'm excited.


Almost forgot! Sam and I finished Les Mis last night; it's three hours long! Conclusion: (1) You have to know the story to follow the play well, (2) there's NO speaking. In other words, they sing EVERYTHING. (3) The last half is better than the first half by FAR. If you watch it, persevere. It does get better. (4) The singing was good (some of it, great) . The play was good. The story is CLASSIC. And (5) After further investigation, it turned out to be Nick Jonas, not Joe. Silly me. He had a good voice, though his acting wasn't much to write home about. Although.. considering as he was playing a love struck 17 year old... I guess he's supposed to be kind of... sappy. Or something. So I'd have to see him act something else to judge well. Overall it was a blast! Although the people that played the Thenadeirs made me sick.

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