Friday, April 8, 2011

[two oh one]
Not my best photo ever.. sorry. There, now I've apologized to everyone! ;) Yesterday I went over to my neighbor's house and we went on a walk and played with her macro lens. IT WAS AMAZING!!! If you haven't played with one of those things you NEED to. NEED. Seriously. Then we walked back to my house and her cats followed us the whole way! Really friendly cat, followed us around the whole time, so while she was using the camera I picked one up. Buddy didn't like being picked up so much, but she was just slightly displeased... at first. All of a sudden she turned on me and scratched the fire out of me! So tempermental! Now I know why they call girls in general 'catty.' Besides me of course. ;)



  1. Shaina,
    I just heard your blog music for the first time, that waltz is beautiful!


  2. Speaking of things beautiful, Pioneer Woman is having another photo contest. Of brothers this time, and yes, I do connect you with pictures of cute brothers. :)

  3. Oh, yay!! First photo entered!! :) My Weider will take the cake ;) Thanks for letting me know!
