Tuesday, April 5, 2011

[one ninety nine] [!]

[one ninety nine]
 Today... we cleaned a lot. I went to my neighbors and she loaned me a tripod and a remote! So cool. And besides that we get to go to the Breanna and Lyss's this weekend =D Then we also burned today. Pictures below.


I LIKE barb wire fence. Deal with it. ;)


  1. Oh yeah, AND!
    Book completed: The Scarlet Letter.
    I have mixed feelings about this book. Over all, I think it's worth reading because, frankly, it's a classic. And it did deserve that title, not because it's just one of those books that you enjoy immensely, but because it's different. And it is. Far different than anything I've ever read before, and especially for the time period it was written in. The writing style itself is totally different than anything I've ever read. I would describe it as 'cold.' It's actually not a book about adultery, but the consequences of such. And it's very insightful I thought. My favorite quote from it was, "No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true."

  2. Shaina,

    That quote is so good! Wow. We truly miss out on so much of the joy of belonging to Christ when we fail to be honest with ourselves and the LORD. That thought really encourages me to continue making HIM my dearest treasure instead of the good opinion of others (i.e., trying to save face).

    Your blog is lovely--thank you for sending me the link to it. =) I enjoy seeing what your family is up to, and the delight you take in GOD's creation and Words is also a blessing. =)

    Love in Him,
    Rebekah Parish

  3. Thank you for reading, Rebekah! Miss you and yours..
