Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fighting to do so, I stagger out of that hard lump in my room that I call a bed (made more attractive in the face of cold morning air and weary bones)  with rather un-proverbial bleary eyes and a limp tail. But the fight has just begun when I drag myself out from under the covers.  Ignoring the hole in my stomach, I stumble into the shower, I close my eyes as the water kisses me and only open them to prevent myself from falling asleep again. 20 minutes later (a long shower for me) the hole in my stomach has increased to a pit. Everything is blurry because I haven't put my contacts in yet, and I feel rather sick at the thought of food. I get goosebumps before I even get out of the shower, and my hopes of it keeping me relatively warm for the rest of the day are therefore defeated. Usually, by this time I would be awake, but today my eyes are still puffy and trying to squeeze shut the minute I turn my back on them. Beginning to wonder if I'm ever going to wake up, I eat a cup of cereal. Thankfully, I'm now awake enough to do my devotions*
I'm not a morning person. 

There, I've said it. It's out. I know I'm not the only one with this curse, and I sympathize with those who share it with me. But on the other hand, I'm not really a night owl either. I just like sleeping. 

*Which were amazing by the way. I'm reading in 2 Samuel, Isaiah, and Matthew.

This post is definitely written with a big ;) at the end. Just so you know. But I'm also halfway serious. And that's all the truth, haha.


  1. Hey kiddo. You're writing is really developing nicely....I'm sorry you're not a morning person, OR a night owl...but I agree, sleeping is a good use of time too. And devotions. :)

  2. Ah! I AM a morning person and I STILL struggle to do my devotions first in the day. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the flesh wants nothing to do with God and fights against any kind of sacrifice that it would have to make for His sake.

    And oh, how I love sleeping!

  3. know nothing yet...just wait till motherhood. :)
