Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[body and soul]

"Once I was lost
Hurting inside
Dangling over the edge
But the history of pain
Barely remains
Once I was blind
But could it be
That the excess of light
Is shading the weary past
With the shadow it cast
And as sin gives way
To atoning blood
And a debt is paid
With the riches of love
There's a hope that I see
There's a freedom in me
There's a comfort in death and in life
Knowing that I belong
To the Savior who's making me whole 
Body and soul
Now, I can feel
A sense of resolve
Choosing a new point of view
Going against the grain
Breaking the chain
And the shackles fall
On the road to peace
And I lose them all
As I find my release
And that Hope eternal springs in me
And that Freedom seems to willingly carry me
Through a world of fears I've stored inside of me
Lord, abide in me
And as sin gives way
To atoning blood
And a debt is paid
With the riches of love
There's a hope that I see
There's a freedom in me
There's a comfort in death and in life
Knowing that I belong
To the Savior who's making me whole 
Body and soul." 
Susan Ashton

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