Sunday, December 19, 2010

[competitive boy]

Sunday morning; little bro Joe was throwing up all night last night. My mom told me when he reached no. 7 he pleasantly announced, "Top record!" Quite the competitive boy. So no church for us today. That is, not with other families. My dad read Romans 5 and Corinthians 4 this morning. Then this afternoon we went over to the farm and spent the day with my grandparents. I snitched some of grandma's lasagna and shrimp... it was delish! Aunt Cindy and Uncle David came out and got wood, too. It's always great to see them. The bad thing is we won't see them again until Christmas! =( The other day Sam and I heard "We Are the Champions" on the radio and it reminded us of Noah. He always used to sing it after he won a ping pong game.
Levi is sitting on my lap blowing his nose in a napkin and wiping my arm =) He is hilarious. He always wants coffee, so the other day my mom put a couple tablespoons in his glass of milk. He took a swig and said, "Ahhh... co-ff-ee!"  hahaha. He has the cutest laugh! He also has this thing with zipping people's zippers and saying, "sziiip!"
We're having pancakes and bacon for dinner; yum! =)
So stink. I never got a picture taken today. But it's been good to have this week off. I've been lazy, and it felt wonderful.We had a cribbage tournament tonight.. and I was extremely lucky =) Goodnight all.

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