Saturday, December 18, 2010

[the big day]

 [one hundred!] 12.17.10
I can't believe I've been dong the three sixty five for a hundred days!  =) So exciting.  This is the chain to a blind at Starbuck's yesterday. My mom and sister were on the computers so I wandered around the shop with my camera and took a few shots. This was the best one =)

And today's [one hundred one] 
[the skeleton and the scarecrow went walking] 12.18.10
Today I'm going to go to the farm to make a Christmas present for my Aunt. It's going to look something like this... but slightly different. [In the extremely unlikely case that Aunt Cindy is actually reading this, DON'T look at the link!!!!]

How does everyone like my new blog design? I love it!! :) Thanks to Allison for the link.And also for the music! =)

Borrowed from a friend's facebook status: "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days!" (Psalms 90:14). Loooove this verse! Allow the Lord to bless you today.
In Him,


  1. Ok, so I've been meaning to tell you for a while, but I really enjoy your blog! The picture of the window shade string is really neat! I thought it was a necklace at first. The little scarecrow guy is so cute! Congrats on passing day 100!

  2. Yay I'm so glad! (that you're enjoying my blog :) And thanks :)

  3. lol nice. How do you do music? Thats so cool!!!! I think I came on your blog a couple days ago when you were changing it because the backround changed :) You've been bloging for 100 days! There should be a party or something for that.... hmmm.....


  4. Go down to the bottom of the page and there's a little box with the songs. You can skip through them, too, to see what all I have on there. You can get your own by clicking on "Create your free playlist" and creating an account with them.
    Actually, no the number 100 applies to the pictures! I've only been blogging for a few weeks. But I'm doing a 365 project with pictures, where I take a picture a day for a year. 101 down, 264 to go!
