Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Last week when we were at my friends house, Alyssa said something that made me think. "Call it sheltered if you will, but it's a good thing."
And then I thought about what she said. Shelter is a good thing. Houses, clothing, hats, they all shelter us from something. How much more so the parents that shelter us from evil? Why is it that houses which shelter us from cold, wind, and rain are good things while parents that shelter us from bad influences are control freaks? Why is it that clothing that shields us from sun and thorns are good things while parents that shield us from the evil in the world are bad? Why is it that hats that protect our tender faces from the glaring heat of the day are good while parents that protect our innocence are bad? Why does our culture continually put young children out in the cold, the wind, the rain, and thorns of the world? We don't have to experience these things constantly to know that they exist.


  1. I agree, Shaina. Well said.


  2. You are so right! What a blessing to be sheltered from more than just the storms in the weather, but from storms in life! :)
