Monday, March 7, 2011


Good and upright is the Lord...He leads the humble in justice,
And He teaches the humble His way. All the paths of the
Lord are loving-kindness and truth... For Thy
name's sake, O Lord, pardon my iniquity, for it is great.
[one seventy]
I think I just realized how monumental this number
is. Like. Totally so. Thirty more and we're in the
200's! I'm psyched. This is the main, but I have
a slightly different edit below. I am totally in
love with this shot. You have to click on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-
enough exclamation marks? No? ok.-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we had our last Xenophon class today.. but after break Mr C couldn't get back in which REALLY stunk! *pee uw* haha. He was going to give us background on the philosophers so I was all excited about that :(

PLUS today I had the most awesomest salad ever.. it really was. Including but not limited to: bacon, onion, blueberries, cottage cheese, grated cheese, lunch meat,cranberries, pepper, and a boiled egg! 
lksdjflkasjd;lasdkfj I am so excited. I have learned so much on my 365 and in Schola! I think I'm to excited to be blogging at the moment, so I shall exit before I say something totally brainless. Sounds like a plan.


Surprise, surprise... I've found *another* Colbie Calliat song that I like.. I'm being sucked into the black hole.. save yourself!

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