Tuesday, February 22, 2011

[one fifty seven]

Oh thank you, Patty! I appreciate the "help."
First step of the day: Rip out stitches. Ok, maybe
not the *first*, but it was the second. And the fifth, and
the seventh, and so on....
Got the top put together!!
[evening glory]
[one fifty seven]
"Oh to Grace how great a debtor,
Daily I'm constrained to be.
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee."

The bodice and the midriff are together, whooo hoo!
So yesterday I spent all day working on my dress! It was tons of fun, and a lot of work! And a *lot* of ripping out stitches.
With the right sides together, we're ready to sew up the skirt!


  1. Looking forward to seeing more pictures as the dress progresses! I love the fabric. So fun! I'm hoping to get the fabric and pattern for a dress soon to make for my graduation! =) Just waiting for it to go on sale.... Love the style, from what I can see. Super cute!

  2. :) Thanks, Marissa!
    Wow, you'll have to post pictures!! Exciting stuff :)
