Thursday, January 20, 2011

[it's so hard to come up with titles]

[one twenty four] 1.18.11

Stayed up late doing homework :( But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. As you can see, I'm trying to *pretend* like I'm interested in sports. See the shirt? See it? Proud of me? I knew you would be. In other news, John broke his arm while the same cousins were here that were here when this happened. Remember that? They seem to be quite the hazard to us.. but we love them anyway. =D Catherine, I got some pictures of our finishing Herodotus party, so I will post them sometime =) They are a little silly, I must warn you! 

[one twenty five] 1.19.11
 This^ is one of my favorite pictures that I've taken in a while.. ok, in a few days. I like it. Veddy much.
[one twenty six] 1.20.11

 After lunch today the kids were being silly.. so I had to take some pictures =)
And last of all, you MUST watch this =) And if you look on youtube there's an episode where they went to the Duggars. You should watch that too. Talk about God changing someone's goals and hearts. And everything, it sounds like!


1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing the pictures, Shaina. :)

